HomeCompany ProfileBoard Members
Board Members

Name and Title

Professional Qualifications and Experience

Director/Representative of LiDa Capital Co., Ltd.: Chien Chen

Serves as the chairman of our company, possessing a comprehensive industry background and extensive network. He excels in grasping industry trends and understanding market dynamics.
Skilled in business, industrial marketing, crisis management, international market insights, leadership, and decision-making capabilities.
No circumstances as outlined under Article 30 of the Company Law.

Director: Jung-Mu Lu *

Serves as the General Manager of our company, bringing a rich background in finance and accounting. His experience in management services across various industries enables him to provide diverse perspectives on management and operations, enhancing our strategic thinking in business management.
Proficient in business, financial accounting/legal compliance, management, crisis handling, and necessary leadership and decision-making for company operations.
No circumstances as outlined under Article 30 of the Company Law.

Director/Representative of LiDa Capital Co., Ltd.: Chih-Zhen Lin *

Attorney at Zhenming Law Office.
Rich expertise in legal/compliance matters.
No circumstances as outlined under Article 30 of the Company Law.

Director/Representative of Zhongfu Integrated Marketing Co., Ltd.: Li-Shan Hu *

General Manager at Chuan Fei Energy Co., Ltd., and Partner at United Accounting Firm.
Extensive expertise in financial accounting.
No circumstances as outlined under Article 30 of the Company Law.

Independent Director: Chin-Cheng Wu

Director and practicing accountant at Li Quan United Accounting Firm, independent director at Shuang Mei Biotech Co., Ltd., and independent director at Yuguang Refrigeration Co., Ltd.
Extensive expertise in financial accounting and legal compliance.
No circumstances as outlined under Article 30 of the Company Law.

Independent Director: Jung-Chih Kao

Lawyer at Xin Yi Elia Law Office, Lawyer at Sunshine Lily Law Office, Deputy Secretary-General at New Power Party, Executive Director at the Judicial Reform Foundation, full-time lawyer at the Legal Aid Foundation, and lawyer at De Cheng United Law Office. Independent Director at Asia Airline Co., Ltd.
Rich expertise in legal/compliance matters.
No circumstances as outlined under Article 30 of the Company Law.

Independent Director: Wen-Yun Wang

Senior Researcher in the Stock Investment Department and Fund Manager at International Securities Investment Trust Co., Ltd.
Extensive years of experience in finance, financial markets, and securities investments.
No circumstances as outlined under Article 30 of the Company Law.


*Note: On August 17, 2022, at the extraordinary shareholders' meeting, directors Lu Rongmu, representative of LiDa Capital Co., Ltd., Lin Zhizhen, and representative of Zhongfu Integrated Marketing Co., Ltd., Hu Li-san, were elected. However, the registration was not approved by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and the matter is currently undergoing administrative litigation.
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